Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Santa Barbara: El Gaucho Regatta

For those of you who live in Southern California, you can certainly attest that this past weekend was blatantly hot and humid. It's March people!  It should not be 100•F+ on a weekend. Even though I disagree with Mother Nature's temperature in winter and soon to be spring, I certainly took full advantage of the hot weekend. 

I was up in Santa Barbara this past weekend for my final high school PCISA sailing regatta of my junior year before the PCC's finals in April at my home yacht club, CBYC!  On Saturday there was absolutely no wind and it was scorching hot.  We had to stay around at the beach all day in case the wind picked up and we needed to be sent out, but it didn't pick up at all!  Sunday was much better, and although it was still very hot, there was enought wind to get several races in, one of which I placed 14th (not that good, but considering that I only started competing this year, I am very happy with it)!!!  Our team, Palos Verdes High School, finished 25th overall, which is terrible and technically doesn't qualify us for finals, but since we are hosting, we automatically qualify. Thank God!!  Definately by April our team needs to improve and work on our technique. Other than that, wish us the best of luck. 

Here are a few photos from this past weekend!

This was definately a hot weekend and thankfully it has cooled down a bit at home and in time to return to school on Monday!  I am counting down the days to spring break and to my birthday (April 3rd) which coincidently occurs over the break. My family will be traveling to New York City and Honolulu, so check back in then for photos and updates about those travels!

Until next time,

Megan Moore